Salmon Fishing in Northern Scotland
The North of Scotland has a unique character all of its own, from the low lying peat bogs of the Caithness Flow Country to the rugged mountains of West Sutherland, Inverness and Ross and Cromarty, a land of shining lochs and cascading rivers, wild heather moors and towering peaks – an uncrowded peaceful place with curlew and grouse on the moor, wild brown trout in every loch and salmon in every stream. Through these North Highland counties run some of the loveliest rivers, large and small, all with runs of Atlantic salmon throughout the fishing year. The largest of these northern salmon fishing rivers, the Beauly, Ness and Conon, their courses in places impounded by hydro-electric dams, flow eastwards towards the North Sea, while the short, tumbling streams of the western slopes rely on summer rain to bring the salmon up from the sea. In some, from opening day in January, there is a chance of a fresh “spring” salmon while others, particularly the smaller spate rivers of the west, will see later summer and autumn runs of salmon and sea trout, the main runs often beginning from July onwards. All of the northern Scottish rivers – the Beauly, Conon, Brora, Wick and Helmsdale in the east; the Thurso, Halladale, Borgie, Dionard and Naver in the north; and the Laxford, Inver, Kirkaig, Gruinard and Carron in the west, to name but a few – can, on their day, provide truly superb salmon fishing in the most wonderful surroundings. From the drop-down menu at the top of the page you may access specific pages showing maps and information on all the major salmon rivers in the north of Scotland, an area I have defined as the whole of the mainland north of the Great Glen.

Detailed maps of specific Scottish salmon fishing rivers can be accessed from the drop-down menus at the top of this website (work in progress).
Further information, photographs etc. for each river can be viewed at (suitable for viewing on larger screens such as desktops). Below is a list of links to the relevant pages for each individual salmon river in northern Scotland.