Salmon Fishing on the River Stinchar
One of the most attractive rivers in Ayrshire, the Stinchar flows through the Carrick Forest before turning south west at Aldinna. It continues through pleasant countryside bordered by natural woodland. The river has suffered from the effects of afforestation and water abstraction but is still one of the most productive salmon rivers in the south west of Scotland.
The best fishing months are September and October and the Stinchar has some of the finest fly fishing water in the south of Scotland, with the best of it found between Pinwherry and the outflow at Ballantrae. Summer sport is entirely dependent on summer spates but, given rain, the salmon and grilse fishing can be excellent, although the sea trout numbers are now negligible. Prior to the recent dramatic decline in salmon runs, the most productive beat at Knockdolian might produce up to 500 salmon in a good season. Other beats include Dalreoch, Almont and Bardrochart; Hallow Chapel; and Ballantrae. Demand for rods on the Stinchar is high, with the best of the beats books well in advance, but day tickets may be available. For information it might be worth contacting the Boar’s Head Hotel in Colmonell.

River Stinchar Map
Tap or click on the map below to view full size image

Note: the maps on this website are extracts from the Bartholomew “Half Inch” map series dating back to the middle of the twentieth century. There have been many changes since the maps were made, and much of the human detail, e.g. buildings and roads, will have changed over the period. It is to be hoped, however, that the unique character of our Scottish rivers, and the trout and salmon in them, will not have altered too dramatically over the years and that they may still offer the wonderful fishing prospects of days gone by. Bearing the above in mind, anyone planning a fishing or walking trip in Scotland is advised to equip themselves with a compass and the appropriate up-to-date Ordnance Survey map, the most useful for the angler probably being the Landranger series, scale 1:50,000. For The River Stinchar, see O.S. map number 76.
For further information about the fishing on the Stinchar see River Stinchar Fishing
For information about the trout fishing in the area see Trout Fishing Scotland