Salmon Fishing in Southern Scotland
Annan, Tweed and Clyde
A’ rise oot o’ ae hillside,
There was a ploy ‘mang the three,
Wha wad first get to the sea,
Slow and smoothly flowed the Tweed,
Annan wan wi’ greater speed,
Clyde fell doon wi’ muckle din
And broke its neck owre Cora Linn (John Wilson)
Wonderful salmon fishing is to be found throughout Scotland, in the north, east, west and on some of the Scottish Islands. The south of Scotland is no exception and has some marvellous rivers too. The river Tweed is usually the top Scottish salmon fishing river in terms of catches, outdoing the other great rivers, Tay, Spey and Dee. In fact historically it has produced more rod caught Atlantic salmon than any other in the world I believe; the Clyde, hard to beat for trout and grayling fishing, has recovered from the pollution of earlier industrial times to become a significant salmon river; the Solway rivers of Annan, Nith, Cree and Border Esk, are often overlooked by those in a hurry to reach the highlands, but each offers some of the most attractive, and productive, fly fishing beats and most of them very accessible to the visiting angler, while the Ayrshire rivers of Stinchar, Ayr and Doon should not be overlooked.

Detailed maps of specific Scottish salmon fishing rivers can be accessed from the drop-down menus at the top of this website (work in progress).
Further information, photographs etc. for each river can be viewed at (suitable for viewing on larger screens such as desktops). Below is a list of links to the relevant pages for each individual salmon river in southern Scotland.