Salmon Fishing in Scotland
A Guide to the salmon fishing regions of Scotland with links to maps and information on 75 Scottish salmon fishing rivers in north, central, south of Scotland and the Scottish Islands

Salmon Fishing in the North of Scotland
Those who find the large Scottish rivers like Tweed and Tay a bit daunting, who prefer the intimacy and variety of the smaller streams, will find much that appeals in the north. While there are some sizeable rivers like the Conon and Beauly, whose flow regime is now moderated by Hydro-electric schemes and therefore less dependent on rainfall, sport on most of the northern spate rivers of Scotland is very dependent on summer rain to bring salmon in from the sea. Some more accessible, some more affordable than others, renowned rivers like the Helmsdale, Thurso, Naver, Halladale, Dionard and Laxford can, on their day, provide salmon fishing unrivalled anywhere in the world…… for information on the salmon fishing in northern Scotland, see below:
Northern Scottish Salmon Rivers
Aline | Alness | Applecross | Beauly | Borgie |
Brora | Carron | Carron | Conon | Croe |
Dionard | Ewe | Garry | Gruinard | Halladale |
Helmsdale | Inver | Kirkaig | Laxford | Lochy |
Moriston | Naver | Oykel | Shin | Thurso |
Torridon | Ullapool | Wick | ||
Salmon Fishing in Central Scotland
Central Scotland has some of the best and most famous of all salmon rivers, including three of the big four – Spey, Dee and Tay. More than enough for starters….. but also many more lesser known but productive salmon rivers, from the Findhorn, Deveron, North and South Esk, Earn and Teith in the east to Loch Lomond, River Awe and Orchy in the west…… for information on the salmon fishing in central Scotland, see below:
Central Scottish Salmon Rivers
Add | Allan | Awe | Dee | Deveron |
Don | Eachaig | Earn | Findhorn | Fyne |
Lomond | Lossie | Nairn | Ness | North Esk |
Orchy | South Esk | Spey | Tay | Teith |
Tummel | ||||
Salmon Fishing in the South of Scotland
Not all the best salmon fishing is to be found in the highlands. Some of the most productive salmon rivers in Scotland lie to the south of the central belt. There’s the Tweed, of course, where something in excess of 15,000 salmon were caught in 2004. Others worthy of attention are the Nith and Annan in the south and the Stinchar and Doon in the west, to name but a few…… for information on the salmon fishing in the south of Scotland, see below:
Southern Scottish Salmon Rivers
Annan | Ayr | Bladnoch | Border Esk | Clyde |
Cree | Doon | Ettrick | Girvan | Irvine |
Luce | Nith | Stinchar | Teviot | Tweed |
Tyne | Urr | Whiteadder | ||
Salmon Fishing in the Scottish Islands
Last but by no means least, we have some great salmon fishing on the Scottish Islands, specifically in the Western Isles, summer and autumn salmon fishing in both river and loch in Lewis, Harris and in the Uists…… for information on the salmon fishing on the Scottish Islands, see below:
Scottish Islands Salmon Rivers
Harris | Lewis | North Uist | South Uist | Mull | Skye |